Friday, February 27, 2009

We have dates!

I have been working with my local venture scout group at church and they are definitely going to accompany me on my first leg of the journey. I am very excited about this. While it puts a few constraints on the timing of my leaving, I am thrilled to have others with whom to share my love of hiking and this trail. We have firmed up the dates of prep hikes and the hike itself.

  • March 14, today, First of several prep hikes. 6 miles, full gear.

  • April 11, A 15 mile hike. Probably Florida Trail full gear

  • Some time in May TBD an overnighter with a 20 mile 2 day split, full gear.

  • At least 1 or 2 other impromptu hikes that will be thrown in to add testing to the gear (I need to determine how much fuel to take.

  • June 8-14 First piece of the Appalachian Trail.

Caroline and I started running this week. We did about 9 miles in 2 separate runs. We have under 3 months to get our feet hardened and ready for heavy abuse. We also have a limited time in which to buy gear and plan our days out.